Wageningen Yield - Scientific publications from current and former research units in the fields of food, agrotechnology, plant and animal production systems, nature and the environment. Maintained by Wageningen UR Library, the Netherlands. - http://library.wur.nl/way/search/units.html
AgriWeb Canada - Directory of Canadian agricultural and agri-food resources. - http://www.agr.gc.ca/agriweb/
Northwest Berry & Grape Information Net - A comprehensive information and communications resource for berry and grape production. - http://berrygrape.oregonstate.edu/
New Crop Resource Online Program - Includes program information, resources, and extensive index of scientific and common names of plants and their cultivation. - http://newcrop.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/
AgriGator - Directory of agricultural web sites, from University of Florida. - http://agrigator.ifas.ufl.edu/ag.htm
AgriFor - Evaluated web resources in agriculture, food and forestry, aimed at students, researchers, academics and practitioners. - http://agrifor.ac.uk/
Web-agri - A search engine for agricultural and related topics. - http://www.web-agri.com/
Top20Agriculture.com - Online directory, with information on education in horticulture, animals, organic farming, irrigation, research, and other technical topics. - http://www.top20agriculture.com/
Purdue Landscape and Nursery Thesaurus - An extensive list of links to information of interest to landscape and nursery professionals. - http://bluestem.hort.purdue.edu/plant/
Agriscape - An online directory on agriculture and its surrounding industry. Links to companies, universities, publications, weather, news. - http://www.agriscape.com
Plant Link Library - The library is a growing collection of plant-science related links. Links can be rated, added or modified by the user. Hits on each link are counted. - http://www.dpw.wageningen-ur.nl/links
Novagate - Gateway to selected Internet resources in forestry, veterinary, agricultural, food and environmental sciences. Searchable and browsable annotated database is produced and maintained by the libraries of the NOVA University. - http://novagate.nova-university.org