Honey Bees Only - An online community for beekeepers to find and share information. Includes discussion forums on beekeeping, and on using honey products. - http://honeybeesonly.com/
Organic Beekeepers (Yahoo) - A community where beekeepers can learn Organic Beekeeping - managing bees and hives without the use of drugs, chemicals, essential oils, and acids. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Organicbeekeepers/
Keeping Bees (Yahoo) - A list for Beekeepers experienced or inexperienced, commercial or hobbyist, to share information. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/KEEPINGBEES/
Biological Beekeeping (Yahoo) - Discussing the keeping of bees and production of honey without the use of chemicals and drugs. This includes questions of breeding, diet, cell size and environment. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BiologicalBeekeeping/
Beekeeping (Yahoo) - Claims to be the original beekeeping list with archives going back to 1998. Covers all subjects pertaining to beekeeping. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/beekeeping/