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  Organizations and Volunteering (10)

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Peru Support Group Open in a new windowLink Details
- UK based organisation with the latest news from Peru, campaign issues, events, volunteer opportunities and a forum for discussion. Key issues covered are human rights, environment, debt and women.
- http://www.perusupportgroup.org.uk

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Hogar de Esperanza Open in a new windowLink Details
- Orphanage in Peru, assisting American couples in adopting Peruvian children.
- http://perukids.com/

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Homeless Children House in Peru - Sacred Family Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Community of Children Sacred Family (Zapallitos) is a beneficent civil association without ends of lucre in Peru. Their fundamental objective is the integral care of abandoned children exposed to drugs, violations, prostitution, etc.
- http://peruchildren.4t.com

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Prokid.org Open in a new windowLink Details
- Charitable organization dedicated to helping poor and destitute children.
- http://www.prokid.org

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Volunteering in Peru Open in a new windowLink Details
- Program of volunteer work and cultural exchange that develops non-profit beneficent activities in favor of communities that are in situations of poverty. This activity is carried out in Huancayo.
- http://www.tinkuyperu.com/

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Poqen Kanchay Foundation Open in a new windowLink Details
- Poqen Kanchay is a non-profit foundation in Cusco. The foundation is working with communities in the high Andes as well as hosting teaching seminars and running expeditions. The staff are archaeologist, anthropologists and native healers. Their work empha
- http://www.poqenkanchay.com/

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Hogar Wurmbrand Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Voice of the Martyrs is a Non-Government Organisation financed by private donations. They operate this shelter which purpose is to offer orphaned and abandoned children, regardless of race or religion, a stable home and solid formation for their
- http://www.vomperu.org.pe/

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Paz Holandesa Open in a new windowLink Details
- Supplies free medical aid and organizes and funds operations including harelip to (street) children in Peru.
- http://www.pazholandesa.com/indexe.htm

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Institute for Liberty and Democracy Open in a new windowLink Details
- ILD focuses on creating modern legal frameworks that empower the poor of the developing and ex-communist world by providing them with a new, comprehensive legal property system.
- http://www.ild.org.pe/

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HoPe Foundation Open in a new windowLink Details
- Working in the poor neighbourhoods of Cusco and in the small villages high in the Andes. Its goal is to help the people find or recover their self esteem, giving support in the areas of education and health care, encouraging the emancipatory process of th
- http://www.stichtinghope.org/

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