Cuscoperu: Maps - Country and Inca trail maps, as well as maps for several cities showing local attractions. -
US NASA - Visible Earth: Peru - Collection of NASA satellite and sensor images and animations. -
National Geographic - MapMachine: Peru - Satellite, topographic, physical, street, earthquake, population and aerial maps and images. -
University of Texas Libraries - Peru Maps - Country, city and thematic maps from the Perry-CastaƱeda Library Map Collection at the University of Texas, along with links to maps on other web sites. -
Lima 2000 - Producing, publishing and distributing urban cartography of Metropolitan Lima and other cities of Peru, as well as tourist and travel maps of the country. -
iLatinTravel - Peru Maps - A series of informative maps showing natural areas under protection, birdwatching, Peruvian orchids, adventure and sport places, trekking and mountaineering, Inca Trail, pre Inca cultures domain, beaches and surf places. -