Ferreyros - Capital assets supplier serving industry in Peru. Provides corporate information and there is an e-commerce section (although this is in Spanish). - http://www.ferreyros.com.pe
Obras Maritimas S.A. - Salvage services, commercial diving, towing service, and marine construction in Peru. - http://obramar.com/
Marmoleria Gallos - Export and supply high quality marble, granite and slate products. Products, stones, applications, and markets information. - http://www.gallosperu.com/
JJC Contratistas Generales - Executing infrastructure civil works: hydraulic and hydroenergy works, roads, sanitation, mining, maritime, oil and energy works. - http://www.jjc.com.pe/
SIMA Peru S.A. - Peruvian company specializing in the construction of large merchant and fishing vessels, vessel repair, manufacture of steel structures, electronic systems and light weapons. - http://www.sima.com.pe
Cementos Lima - Corporate information for this cement manufacturer. - http://www.cementoslima.com.pe
Explosivos S.A. - EXSA produces explosives for civilian use, mainly mining and construction. Also a complete range of explosives for any type of blasting, blasting accessories and comprehensive blasting service. - http://www.exsa.com.pe/
El Arquitecto Peruano - Tribune for new ideas and initiatives related with urban design, architecture and interior design, promoting and animating debates regarding public policies in urban development, housing, education and infrastructure. - http://www.elarquitectoperuano.com/