Dasher - News, show information, audio and video clips, lyrics and press releases, contact information. - http://www.thedashersound.com/
Allpa Yuraq - Quechua term that means "Towards the White Fields". This name identifies the desire of the group that is to disseminate a Living Message, searching to be in the vanguard and to rise to any other traditional group, being aware to work in an excel - http://www.allpayuraq.com.pe/
Arpay - Andean music band, includes music online, biography, gallery, and tour calendar. - http://www.arpay.com
Cantos del Pueblo - Traditional Andean music. - http://www.cantosdelpueblo.com/
Peru Negro - A virtual presentation of Peru's premiere music and dance ensemble. Led by Ronaldo Campos, Peru Negro preserves the traditions of Peru's African and creole legacies. Include photo gallery, concert information, history, e-store, reviews, and a guestbook. - http://www.perunegro.org/
Wayanay Inka - Traditional Andean music group which intention is to express through their songs not only the customs, ways of life, and images of the Andean culture, but also to reflect fully the people who inhabit these lands. - http://www.wayanay.com/
Asociación Internacional Jazz Perú - Peruvian first nonprofit jazz arts group, promotes jazz education through La Orquesta Juvenil de Música Nueva (New Music Youth Orchestra) and La Orquesta Interescolar Jazz en Lima (Lima Interscholastic Jazz Orchestra). - http://www.jazzperu.org/
The Peruvian Musical Corner - Samples including Andean songs, ballads, carnavales, carols, children songs, classics, cumbias, festejos, marineras and huaynos. - http://musicaperuana.com
Inca Sons - This group plays music from the Andes of Peru and the rest of Latin America. It presents full-scale stage productions for fairs, festivals and concerts, gives lectures, performances and workshops for schools, and provides musical training. - http://www.incason.com/