Buenos Aires Centre - Programs and courses tailored to specific needs for diverse ages and levels. - http://www.buenosairescentre.com.ar/buenosairescentre/index.htm
Ana Lucía Frega - A music educator, was the principal of the School of Performing Arts at the Teatro Colón of Buenos Aires, a position from which she retired in 1990. - http://www.musicaclasicaargentina.com/frega/index.htm
Into the Depths of the Amazon - Information about Amazon Rain Forest, prepared by ThinkQuest, a non profit organization which offers programs designed to advance education through the use of technology. - http://library.thinkquest.org/21395/
Del Estudiante - Information Network on education in Latin America and Spain. - http://delestudiante.8k.com/English/the_one.htm
Seeds of Learning - Non-profit organization dedicated to improving educational opportunities in rural Latin America. - http://www.seedsoflearning.org
Latin American Network Information Center-LANIC - This research center at the University of Texas at Austin provides links to subjects such as Economy, Education, Government, Media and Social Sciences. - http://lanic.utexas.edu/
Primary and Secondary Education - LANIC's page for K-12 Education programs and resources. - http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/k-12/