Hacienda Hakuna Matata - Hotel - Restaurant located at an altitude of 600 metres above sea level on the banks of the Inchillaqui river, Archidona. - http://www.hakunamat.com/
Aliñahui Jungle Lodge - An Amazonian ecolodge located on the shores of Ecuador's Napo River. Offers a variety of tours with a focus on birding and butterfly tours. - http://www.ecuadorexplorer.com/alinahui/
Misahuallí Jungle Lodge - A jungle lodge located amongst primary Amazon rainforest at the juncture of the Napo and Misahuallí rivers Ecuador's Napo Province. - http://www.misahuallijungle.com/
San Isidro - An ecolodge located near the headwaters of the Amazon Basin in Quijos Valley. Birding tours available on the lodge's humid forest reserves. - http://www.ecuadorexplorer.com/sanisidro/