Galapagos 2003 Photos - Gallery features photographs of wildlife and natural landscapes. -
Galapagos Conservation Trust - Provides information on both organization and the Islands and features news of activities, events and issues. -
The Galapagos Islands at the Rochester Institute of Technology - Find details and photos of expeditions led by Dr. Robert Rothman of the Department of Biological Sciences. Features slide show and information on the natural history of the islands. -
NMNH Galapagos Expedition - Discover information about a project conducted by the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Provides information about the islands and research, photo journal and video footage. -
Marine Conservation And Human Conflicts In The Galapagos Islands - Rodrigo H. Bustamante of the University of Washington provides a history of clashes between fishermen, the authorities and conservation scientists between 1992-2002. Includes related links. - - The Charles Darwin Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting conservation, education, and scientific research. Discover publications, FAQ, contacts and membership details. -
The Galapagos Coalition - Organization comprised of scientists and lawyers with expertise in environmental and international law. Features participant information, map, video library, details on conservation and legal issues. -
Charles Darwin Research Station - News and articles about the research in the islands and the Galapagos Marine Resources Reserve of Ecuador. English and Espagnol. -
Galapagos Islands Natural History - Large collection of information and images covering geologic origin, volcanoes, reptiles, land and water birds, and human history of the Galapagos. Includes a large bibliography. -
Galapagos Giant Tortoise - Facts, photos, and videos of the largest tortoise on earth. -
Fernandina Volcano, Galapagos Islands - Slide set compiled by Pete Mouginis-Mark, University of Hawaii. -