Hotel Explora Salto Chico - Located on a remote site on the shores of Lago Pehoe. It was originally built to provide a convenient departure point for exploration. -
Hotel Finis Terrae - Suites and rooms in a 6 storey Alpine style building with restaurante offering a panoramic view of the Strait of Magellan, located in downtown Punta Arenas. Photo gallery and services list included. -
Hotel Plaza - Offers 15 carpeted rooms, private bath, and central heating. Includes rates in both dollars and pesos, services available, amenities, location information, and contact details. -
Hotel Tierra del Fuego - Hotel facilities and rates. Local area information, map, and images also provided. -
Hotel Mercurio - Located in the city's downtown area, close to the main square. Rooms with carpets, private bath, cable TV, phone service, and central heating. -