United States - Washington DC - Includes an occasional newsletter in English, but most content in Spanish. - http://www.embassyofargentina.us/
United Nations - New York - Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations in New York. Lists the staff of the delegation and formal statements made. More in Spanish. - http://www.un.int/argentina/
Vietnam - Hanoi - With a history of Argentine-Vietnamese bilateral and economic relations. - http://www.embargentina.org.vn/
New Zealand - Wellington - With information about pets, visas, tourism, and doing business in Argentina. - http://www.arg.org.nz/
Canada - Ottawa, Ontario - Includes information on child abduction cases, and a repeat of Argentina's claim to the Falkland Islands. - http://www.argentina-canada.net/
Hong Kong - Consulate General of Argentina in Hong Kong, with contact information and links to websites about Argentina. - http://home.netvigator.com/~consarhk/
Australia - Canberra - Includes information on various investment opportunities into Argentina. - http://www.argentina.org.au/
United States - New York - With consular jurisdiction over New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maine, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Vermont. With some economic content in English, and more in Spanish. - http://www.congenargentinany.com/
Canada - Montreal - With links to cultural events in Montreal, and more content in Spanish and French. - http://www.consargenmtl.com/