Andrew Atkin - Information gathered by the author in regard to his interest with all things related to Antarctic history. Includes information about the Australian physicist Louis Bernacchi, Macquarie Island and Heard Island, Geomagnetic Research, and numerous related p -
NOVA - Shackleton's Voyage of Endurance - Cronicles NOVA's 1999 expedition following in the footsteps of Sir Ernest Shackleton to Elephant and South Georgia Islands. Includes detailed information about the expedition, Anarctic resources, and diary excerpts. -
The Endurance - Frank Hurley's photographs from the 1914 Antarctic expedition of the Endurance. Includes descriptions of the photos, and maps that show the position of the vessel when the particular photograph was taken. -
Antarctic Philately from New Zealand - Provides information and resources to philatelists interested in the Antarctic. Includes recent news, covers, information about Antarctic bases, books, and links to other resources. -
Antarctic Philately - History, biographies, and memorabilia of Antarctic explorers. -
Antarctic Exploration - Timeline and short articles on the history of the turn-of-the-century pursuit of the South Pole. -