Australian Antarctic Division - Downloadable photos and virtual reality images to explore. Recent news about the Australian Antarctic Division. Detailed information about wildlife, plants, weather, and glaciers/ice. Searchable database of scientific data including maps, images, and grap -
Antarctic Meteorology - Almost real time data coverage of the Ronne Ice Shelf iceberg. -
UAB in Antarctica - Follows explorers from the University of Alabama at Birmingham as they conduct research. Includes interactive questions and answers from Palmer Station. -
Antarctica New Zealand - Antarctic information on education resources, the environment and protection, science research, logistical and operational capability from the New Zealand Antarctic Institute, known as Antarctica New Zealand. -
The Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica - CARA investigates the origin of structure in the Universe by using the Polar Plateau for astrophysics. Includes information about the organization, projects, travelogs, and virtual tours. -
Gateway Antarctica - A portal for national and international participation in collaborative research, analysis, learning and networking on Antarctica. -
Diving under Antarctic Ice - Color photo guide to species commonly seen underwater -
Antarctica: Scientific Journeys from McMurdo to the Pole - Journeys from McMurdo to the Pole. The Exploratorium invites you to follow our crew as they visit the dry valleys and hike up the slopes of volcanic Mt. Erebus. -
Antarctic Projects - Information about the Antarctic Meteorological Research Center and the Antarctic Automatic Weather Station Project. Also includes some Antarctic scientific links. -
The Antarctica Project - Organization ensuring that environmental issues are given priority when decisions are made under the Antarctic Treaty System, the international treaty governing Antarctica. -
Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living - Manages the marine living resources in waters surrounding Antarctica. The conservation principles were defined in the Convention which was ratified in 1982. -
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research - Developed an international science plan for global change research in the antarctic, under the title; "The Role of the Antarctic in Global Change" and oversee the implementation and coordination of this antarctic research together with the major -