Wellington Genealogy Index - Index of births, marriages, deaths and in memoriam notices published in the newspapers of Wellington, mainly from January 2000 onwards but also in the process of indexing other resources. - http://www.genealogy-index.co.nz/
HMS Ganges Association, New Zealand Division - Site offering information of life and activities of those ex Royal Naval servicemen who passed through the gates of Shotley, whilst serving as boys at HMS Ganges. - http://homepages.slingshot.co.nz/~keefy/
Capital Defence - A web site about the built military heritage of Wellington. - http://capitaldefence.orcon.net.nz
Wellington D.A.R.E. - Programme that has been developed by police and educators to teach young people to resist the pressure to abuse drugs. - http://dare.paradise.net.nz/index.html