Otorohanga, Kiwiana Town - Information about Otorohanga and their celebration of Kiwiana icons, heroes and events. - http://www.kiwianatown.co.nz/
Rotary Club of Otorohanga - A community service club for the District of Otorohanga. Includes club information, history, club programs and projects. - http://www.oto-rotary.org/
Palm Court Motel - A 12 unit motel that is situated close to bars and restaurants. - http://www.palmcourt.nz-hotels.com/
Wiseley Flett McKenzie - Chartered accountants who offer a variety of accounting, mediation, planning and advisory services. - http://www.wfm.co.nz
Prescott Holden - Holden car dealer selling new and used cars. - http://www.prescottholden.co.nz
Otorohonda - Honda motorcycle dealer. Sells new and used bikes. - http://www.otorohonda.co.nz/
Otorohanga - Otorohanga community website has visitor information, news and community information. - http://www.otorohanga.co.nz/
Kiwi House Otorohanga - Kiwi house and native bird park. Website includes park news and details. - http://www.kiwihouse.org.nz/