Sycamore Print NZ - Company dating back to 1928 producing offset, letterpress and digital printing. -
Lochiel Engineering,Winton - Specialises in the design of single and tandem axle trailers, stock ramps, crates, cages, and feeders. -
Mount Linton Station, Ohai - Five property, vertically integrated farming operation covering genetics and breeding through to finishing and marketing. -
Progressive Consulting - Offers professional advice in employment law, executive recruitment, human resource management and strategies, performance management, and employment contracts. -
Southern Group Apprenticeship Training - A non-profit company which facilitates apprenticeship training and employment opportunities through the group training concept for all trades. -
Crops for Southland Inc. - A fully funded initiative to encourage the development of a cropping industry in Southland. -
AgSouthland Ltd - A wholly owned subsidiary of the Power Farming Group located in Gore and Invercargill and selling a selection of new and used farm machinery. -