Whakapapa Bibliography Papakainga - A wealth of information suitable for using as resource material when researching your whakapapa at the Wellington City Libraries. - http://www.wcl.govt.nz/maori/whakapapa/Whakafront.html
Auckland City Libraries: Whakapapa - A guide to researching whakapapa and te resources available at the Auckland City Library. - http://www.aucklandlibrary.co.nz/general.aspx?ct=521
Whakapapa - A guide to resources held in the Christchurch City Libraries - http://library.christchurch.org.nz/Guides/Whakapapa/
NZSG Māori Interest Group - The Society of Genealogists Māori interest group, with information on current whānau (family) names being researched. - http://www.rcyachts.net/maori/index.htm