Crown Minerals - Manages, on behalf of the New Zealand Government, all oil, gas, minerals and coal resources it owns, known as the Crown Mineral Estate. It is part of the Ministry of Economic Development, an omnibus department dealing with a wide range of issues and indus -
The Environment Court - Offers information about the ministry, courts, services and publications. -
Industrial Research Limited - A Crown Research Institute, develops technology that is exploited in New Zealand and overseas. -
Land Information New Zealand - Linking you to core Government land and seabed information. -
Department of Conservation - DOC is the government agency responsible for conservation in New Zealand. -
Ministry for the Environment - Reports on the state of the New Zealand environment and the way that environmental laws and policies work in practice. They then advise Government on action necessary to improve environmental management. -
Environmental Risk Management Authority - Set up under the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 to make decisions on applications to introduce new organisms or hazardous substances to New Zealand. -