Odyssey Diver Training - Snorkelling and PADI scuba training in Tauranga. - http://www.odysseydivers.co.nz
A to Z Diving - New Zealand's most northerly dive school located on the Karikari Peninsula, Whatuwhiwhi. PADI dive training, guiding service, gear hire and air fills. - http://www.atozdiving.co.nz/
Splash - A network of dive centres offering a variety of information about diving in New Zealand. - http://www.splash.co.nz/home.asp
Dive Tutukaka - Diving information and Poor Knights dive tours in Whangerei. - http://www.diving.co.nz
Dive New Zealand - Magazine about diving in the Pacific. Contains a directory of diving services, feature stories, boat tests, charters and classifieds. - http://www.divenewzealand.com/
Carlton and Co Ltd - Manufacturers of fishing sinkers and dive weights. - http://www.carltonco.co.nz
New Zealand Sea Adventures - Diving photographs and details of PADI and construction diver courses. Titahi Bay, Wellington. - http://www.scubadiving.co.nz/
Pacific Hideaway Dive Charters - Operating out of the Tutukaka to service the Poor Knights Islands and surrounding areas. Northland. - http://www.divenz.co.nz/
KnightDiver - Diving trips to the Poor Knights Islands, Northland. - http://www.poorknights.co.nz/