Tim Vincent - Information about this elite mountain biker, his bike, races, photos and a message board. - http://www.timvincent.co.nz/
Heli Bike - Offers a variety of mountain bike rides down high country farm tracks. Uses a helicopter to lift riders to sites. Includes a list of locations and rates. - http://www.helibike.com/
Back of Beyond - A mountain biking company offering organised tours of the NZ high country. Includes tour dates and prices, F.A.Q, gear requirements and a photo gallery. - http://www.mountainbiking.net.nz/
Vorb Web - Offering mountain biking stories, pictures, competitions, in-jokes, crashes, race reports, profiles, polls, and forums. - http://www.vorb.org.nz/
NZ Mountain Bike Web - Includes a list of events, results, news, resources, links and photos. - http://www.mountainbike.co.nz/