Pompallier Catholic College - Co-educational day school catering for students from Forms 1 to 7. - http://www.pompalliercollege.school.nz/
Tikipunga High School - Provides learning programmes based on the New Zealand National Curriculum for years 7 through 13. - http://www.tikihigh.school.nz/
Kamo High School - Covers years 9-13 with a roll of over 1200 students. Includes information for international students, news, activities, and students' projects. - http://www.kamohigh.school.nz/
Whangarei Girls High School - Teaches the National Curriculum for years 9 through 13 with a strong commitment to fine arts, creative design, maori culture, dance and drama, and music, at both academic and performance levels. - http://www.wghs.school.nz/
Onerahi Playcentre - Family education centre where parents/caregivers meet to provide early childhood education for their children. - http://communities.co.nz/Whangarei/Entry.cfm?WPID=1038
Hora Hora School - Central city primary school presents parent information, newsletter, ERO report, policies and education resources. - http://www.horahora.school.nz/
Kamo Intermediate School - Presents mission statement, class and extension programmes, newsletters, sports, and events. - http://www.igrin.co.nz/~kamoint/