Mount Maunganui Lifeguard Service - A lifeguard club based at Mount Maunganui beach. Club history, general lifeguarding information, details of events and a photo gallery. -
Mount Maunganui Language Centre - School for English as a second language. Includes details of fees and courses as well as an online enrolment form. -
Mount Mainstreet - Directory listing addresses and contact details for local businesses, accommodations and dining locations. Online postcards, local news, what’s on, cinema guide and web camera also provided. -
Mount Maunganui Yacht Club - Provides details about the yacht club inclucing gallery, classifieds, calendar of events and information for visitors. -
Mount Maunganui Action Centre - Action centre for sports recreation and leisure events with four full size indoor courts and indoor skating rink. -
The Rock House - Indoor rock climbing, bouldering, sportclimbing and gym. Information on the gym, the staff and rock climbing. -
Mount Maunganui Golf Club - A pictorial guide, club notices and contact information. -
Mount Maunganui College - Co-educational school of over 1000 pupils. -