Why Fiji is Crying - Commentary and news from post-coup Fiji. - http://whyfijiscrying.wordpress.com/
Très Désabusé - News of Fiji under the rule of the military regime. - http://tresdesabuse.blogspot.com/
Fiji Human Rights Watch - Reports on alleged human rights abuses by the Fiji military regime. - http://fijihumanrightswatch.blogspot.com/
hyde.n.ceek - Reports and comments of the post-coup military regime in Fiji. - http://hydenceek.wordpress.com/
Down With Dictatorship - Strong comments about the actions of the coup leaders. - http://kaivitifreedom.blogspot.com/
Hearts and Minds - Coverage of the effect of the coup on Fiji and its people. - http://illegalcoup2006.wordpress.com/
Good Men And Women Doing Something - News and analysis about Fiji following the coup. - http://goodmenandwomendoingsomething.blogspot.com/
Discombobulated Bubu - Analyses Fiji's political situation. - http://discombobulatedbubu.blogspot.com/
Intelligentsiya - Blog by Fijian journalists reporting and discussing alleged human rights abuses by the Fijian military regime. - http://intelligentsiya.blogspot.com/