Warrnambool Racing Club - Victoria country, flat and jumps. Home of the Warrnambool Cup and the Grand Annual Steeple Chase. Includes local racing information, links for details, contacts for local jockeys and trainers, membership application and sponsorship and other packages. - http://www.warrnamboolracing.com.au
Warrnambool Lawn Tennis Club - Find a history of the club, information about the club house facilities, calendar of events and photo gallery. - http://www.warrnamboollawntennis.org.au
Warrnambool Golf Club - Find a history, course map and information on accommodation and facilities at this scenic golf course. - http://www.wgcinc.com.au
Warrnambool Tennis Centre - Find information about facilities, programs and results of tournaments and competitions. - http://www.warrnambooltennis.com.au