Highvale Secondary College - Co-educational state secondary college. School profile, curriculum, facilities and publications. - http://www.highvalesc.vic.edu.au/
Glen Waverley Primary School - State primary school. School features, canteen price list and principal's welcome. - http://www.glenps.vic.edu.au/
Glenallen School - School for physically or health impaired students between the ages of five and eighteen. Location map and staff directory. - http://www.glenallen-sch.vic.edu.au/
Glen Waverley Secondary College - A Victorian Government Navigator school. Includes newsletters, curriculum information, resources and alumni. - http://www.gwsc.vic.edu.au/
Glendal Primary School - Co-educational state primary school. School profile, curriculum, newsletter, student work, events and picture gallery. - http://www.glendalps.vic.edu.au/
Highvale Primary School - Co-educational state primary school. School profile, subjects, special programs, calendar, and facilities. - http://www.highvaleps.vic.edu.au/
St Leonard's Primary School - Catholic primary school. Includes overview of the school, the parish and the curriculum. - http://www.leonards.melb.catholic.edu.au/
Brentwood Secondary College - Co-educational state secondary college. Includes newsletter, student pages, alumni and reunion information. - http://www.brentwood.vic.edu.au/