Sentencing Advisory Council - A statutory body established to conduct research on sentencing matters, gauge public opinion, consult and advise the judiciary, government and the general public in relation to sentencing in Victoria, Australia. -
Essential Services Commission - Victoria's independent economic regulator of prescribed essential utility services supplied by the water and sewerage, electricity, gas, ports, grain handling and rail freight industries. -
VicUrban - Provides information about the Victorian Government's urban development agency's programs related to urban development focussing on sustainable and environmentally aware development. -
Central Coastal Board - Provides information about the operations of the Central Coastal Board and its work around the Victorian coastal region from Geelong in the west to Bass Coast Shire in the east. Included are newsletters, list of current activities and projects. -
Office of the Chief Electrical Inspector - The Office is a technical electrical regulator responsible for ensuring the safe supply and use of electricity in Victoria. It also encourages efficient use of electricity in Victoria through the energy labelling of certain electrical appliances. -
Ombudsman Victoria - Describes the role of the Victorian Ombudsman, an independent officer of the Victorian Parliament who investigates complaints about administrative actions taken by Victorian government departments, statutory authorities and local government. -
State Library of Victoria - Provides online access to the library catalogue for books, journals, manuscripts, pictures and selected Australian history and biography articles. Also access to the "Ask Now" live online information service. -
Sustainability Victoria - Encouraging and supporting government, business and communities to promote environmental sustainability in water, energy and materials. -
EPA Victoria - Provides information and resources about the state government's program to protect the environment in Victoria, Australia. -
Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel - Provices information about the Office of the Chief Parliamentary Counsel and the laws of Victoria, Australia. -
Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability - Victoria's independent Environmental Sustainability Commissioner - provides information about the State of the Environment Report for Victoria, auditing Victorian Government Department's Environmental Management Systems, and auditing public environmental -
PrimeSafe - Provides information about PrimeSafe which is the regulatory body responsible for maintaining Victoria's reputation as a producer of clean, safe and fresh meat and seafood. -
Western Water - Western Water is a regional urban water authority servicing townships to the north-west of Melbourne. Site provides information and resources on water, wastewater and related services. -
Privacy Victoria - Privacy Victoria is the statutory authority which regulates the way Victorian government agencies and local councils collect and handle personal information. Publications and information is provided regarding key requirements of the Privacy legislation an -
Heritage Victoria - Provides information and resources about the historic buildings and gardens, and maritime and historical archaeological sites within Victoria, Australia. -
Mental Health Review Board - Provides an overview of the Board, what they do, patient rights, and links to other information sources, including the Mental Health Act 1986. -
Victorian Managed Insurance Authority - Provides the Victorian government with risk management and insurance services. -
Transport Accident Commission - Provides compensation to transport accident victims. Site has information on making a claim for compensation, policy, road accident statistics and TAC initiatives. -
Victoria Legal Aid - Information about services and useful legal information to help you understand the laws and legal system of Victoria and Australia. -
VicRoads website - VicRoads manages the Victorian road network. Information is provided about vehicle and boat registration, driver licensing, road and traffic management, road projects and road safety -
Country Fire Authority Victoria - Find information on volunteer and career firefighting positions, media news, bushfire events and articles relating to bushfires and firefighters. -
Marine Safety Victoria - Marine Safety Victoria is the Victorian Government's marine safety agency and is responsible for the administration of the Marine Act 1988. -
Equal Opportunity Commission Victoria - The Commission works to ensure that all Victorians get a fair go (equal opportunity). They offer information, training and education programs, conduct research and provide legal and policy advice. They also provide free and impartial complaint resolution -