Victorian Quilters - Promotes interest in patchwork and quilting, and supports the establishment and activities of quilting groups. Membership, gatherings, exhibitions, events and member groups. -
Society of Folk and Decorative Artists of Victoria Inc. - Teaches folk art, decorative and fine arts painting techniques through a studio in Ashburton. Events, workshops, membership, teachers in different regions, and news. -
Needlework Tapestry Guild of Victoria Inc - Support stitchers and promotes the craft of needlepoint tapestry, providing a forum to exchange ideas, increase skills and promote public awareness. Classes, meetings, photo gallery and demonstrations. -
Bead Society of Victoria - Encourages bead enthusiasts, with workshops, competitions, and the exchange of ideas, meeting in Ashburton, Melbourne. News, calendar of events and membership details. -
Calligraphy Society of Victoria Inc - Assists members with their calligraphic endeavours, holds exhibitions and workshops and maintains a library at the University of Melbourne. -
Papermakers of Victoria Inc. - Provides mutual support for hand papermakers through the exchange of ideas and information, discussion and demonstration. Workshops, exhibitions, events, and local studio details. -
Victorian Bookbinders' Guild - Fosters the art, craft and practise of bookbinding, both contemporary and historical, with regular meetings. History, news, meetings, workshops and FAQ. -
Victorian Association of Miniature Enthusiasts - Promotes sharing and non-competitive interaction amongst people interested in dollhouses and miniatures. Workshops, photo gallery, membership. -
WoodLink - Victorian Woodworkers' Association resource, helping to expand the information available to woodworkers, including suppliers, events and exhibitions. -
Embroiderers Guild, Victoria - A not-for-profit organisation open to all lovers of embroidery and textiles, with special interest groups in specific crafts. Classes, events, exhibitions, branch locations and membership. -
Ceramics Victoria Inc. - Disseminates information about the new techniques of stoneware pottery and to encourage and stimulate potters to a higher standard of craftsmanship. Upcoming events, gallery, tips for potters and a history of the group. -
Craft Culture - An online publication produced by Craft Victoria. Exhibition reviews, links to other craft sites and background on recent craft works. -