tassie.org.au - Guide to the best in Tasmania, including low cost natural attractions, outdoor and cultural activities. - http://tassie.org.au/
Tasmanian Waterfalls - A comprehensive guide to many of Tasmania's waterfalls, with photo's of each set of falls. - http://www.taswaterfalls.com/
Tasmanian Travelways - General information on travelling in Tasmania by Launceston's Examiner newspaper. Accommodation, what's on and attractions search. - http://www.travelways.com.au/
The Port Arthur Region - Information and bookings for the area. - http://www.portarthur-region.com.au/home.html
The Huon Trail - Gateway to Tasmania's South West Wilderness National Park, and also home to many small villages supported by apple orchards, fishing, farming, forestry and tourism. - http://www.huontrail.org.au/
World66 Travel Guide to Tasmania - Information on sights, culture, activities and hotels. - http://www.world66.com/australiaandpacific/australia/tasmania
Discover Tasmania - A directory of accommodation, attractions, adventures, crafts and businesses. - http://www.discover-tasmania.com.au/
Touring Tasmania - A pictorial guide to the area. - http://www.touringtasmania.info/
Tasmania's South - Photos, maps, and descriptions of highways and trails throughout the region. Includes FAQs and event calendars. - http://www.tasmaniasouth.com/
Life on an Island - Guide to tourism, accommodation and business. - http://www.view.com.au/