Tasmanian Gig Guide - A monthly publication that lists upcoming live music events, gigs and tours happening in Tasmania and is distributed statewide. - http://www.tasmaniangigguide.com
Tasjazz - News and information about jazz clubs in Tasmania, their officials and events, as well as a list of Tasmanian jazz bands and musicians. - http://www.tasjazz.ii.net/
Arauco Libre - Music from the Andes - Information on this band of Tasmanian based expatriate Chilean musicians, including CD ordering. - http://www.araucolibre.com/
TasMusic - Information and resources for the Tasmanian contemporary music industry. - http://www.tasmusic.com.au/
Zulyas World Music - World music from the Russian born, Tasmanian based singer Zulya Kamalova. - http://www.zulya.com/
Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra - Contains details of the orchestra's concerts, performances, history, members, audience development and educational and activities. - http://www.tso.com.au