Whyalla Foreshore Motor Inn - Beachfront motel incorporating the Watersedge restaurant and function room. Rates and facilities information provided. - http://www.whyallaforeshore.com.au/
Whyalla News - Advertising rates and contact details for this bi-weekly paper. - http://www.cpasa.asn.au/newspapers/newspapers/whyalla.htm
Whyalla High School - Features a Principal's welcome, school history, newsletter, subject pages, student pages, resources and links, and a school tour. - http://www.whyallahs.sa.edu.au/
Westland Hotel - Member of the Best Western motel chain offering accommodation, restaurant, gambling venue, bottle shop, and drive through take-away food shop. List of facilities, contact information with booking form, and location details. - http://www.westlandhotel.com.au
City of Whyalla - Various information on the city of Whyalla - http://www.whyalla.sa.gov.au