Obst Electrical - Sales and repairs to a range of electric motors, transmission equipment, and pumps. Product details, company profile, and contact information provided. - http://www.riverland.net.au/~obstelec/
Loxton Irrigation Centre - Provide farm and vineyard irrigation systems including design, installation, and project management. Product, staff, and previous project details provided. - http://www.loxtonirrigation.com.au/
Almond Grove Crafts - Craft shop at Pyap offers a selection of quilting patterns, kits, fabrics, books, hangers, and accessories. Store hours and order information provided. - http://www.almondgrovecraft.com.au/
Yannakoudis Nursery - Growers of grafted vines. Variety and clone details and photo gallery included. - http://www.graftedvines.com/
The Music Shop - Musical instrument and accessory sales and hire. Online shopping cart and store opening hours provided. - http://www.themusicshop.net.au/
Torambre Pty Ltd - Boutique winery producing primarily red wines. Wine list, order form, and history included. - http://www.torambre.com.au/
That's Graphic - Graphic design business offering logo design, personalised promotional products, and website design. Web and print portfolios, client testimonials, and company profile provided. - http://www.thatsgraphic.com.au/
Simpson Packing - Grows, packs, and exports citrus fruit. Features products, location, and company information. - http://www.riverland.net.au/~simpak/
Riverland Treated Pine - Produce Copper Chrome Arsenate (CCA) treated pine products. Company history, process details, and product uses provided. - http://www.riverlandtreatedpine.com.au/
Peter's Electronics - Service and repairs to consumer electronic audio and video products and television antennas. List of brands serviced and location map included. - http://www.riverland.net.au/~petersel/
M & LJ Wishart Contractors - Offer local and interstate bulk haulage of grain, grapes, and fertilizer, as well as landscape supplies and loader hire. Staff, stock, and fleet information provided. - http://www.wishartcontractors.com.au/
Gurra Downs - Date Palm nursery established using imported tissue cultured stock. Operator profiles, list of stock types, and growers aids provided. Also includes information on locally produced Rooby Roo wines. - http://www.gurradowns.com.au/
Ausnat Fruits - Sales of bottled fruits in liqueur, chocolate and yoghurt dipped fruits and a range of nuts. Product list and order information included. - http://www.ausnatfruits.com.au/