Thomson Family - Genealogy and family history of the Bull, Crofts, Girt, Noble, Perrey, Richardson, Salisbury, Setford, Tickell, Turner, Woods, Wray, Fosker and Kemball families. Genealogical database and site search. -
McInnes-Lawson and Trotter-Plunkett Families of Australia - McInnes, Methven, Lawson, Clarke Families from Scotland and England as well as Trotter, Bewsher, Plunkett, Hartshorne Families from Ireland, England and Scotland. History, stories, memories, photographs, documents, headstones, family keepsakes and researc -
Graham Jaunay - Home page for Jaunay family study, professional research and host to South Australia shipping lists and Australasian surnames directory. Family names include Beasley, Cawley, Fisher, Gilmour, Jaunay, Howell, Jacquesson, Krug, Viard, Puttick, Sharp, and Sm -