Our Lady of the Rosary Kindergarten - Catering to children aged 4-5 years old. Find history, philosophy, photo gallery, enrolment information, fee summary and contact details. - http://www.olrkindergarten.org.au/
Strings with Harmony - Professional string teaching studio for violin, viola and cello. Site contains offers available and lesson details. - http://www.stringswithharmony.com.au/
Kenmore State School - State school covering Years 1-7. Features calendar and information on events. - http://www.kenmoress.qld.edu.au
Kenmore State High School - Featuring events, faculty pages, and subject information. - http://www.kenmoreshs.qld.edu.au/
Brisbane Montessori School - Primary school catering for students from ages 3-12, featuring newsletters and philosophy. [Fig Tree Pocket] - http://www.bms.qld.edu.au