Queensland Government
- Includes an online reference guide to the State of Queensland, its system of government, history and other information, as well as links to all government departments.
- http://www.qld.gov.au/
Stronger Councils - Details the Queensland state government's plan for local government reform. Find reasons for the reform, the reform process, transition arrangements and performance reports. - http://www.strongercouncils.qld.gov.au/
Queensland Transport Projects and Initiatives - Details a range of projects and initiatives designed to improve transport throughout Queensland. - http://www.transport.qld.gov.au/Home/Projects_and_initiatives/
Maritime Safety Queensland - An agency attached to Queensland Transport who's role it is to protect Queensland's waterways and the people who use them, providing safer and cleaner seas. - http://www.msq.qld.gov.au/
Integrated Planning Act - The Act forms the foundation of Queensland’s planning and development assessment legislation. Site includes legislation, database of appeals, and training information. - http://www.ipa.qld.gov.au
Liquor Licensing Division - Information on licensing, industry news, products and services, appeals, and legislation. - http://www.liquor.qld.gov.au
Office of Fair Trading - Information for consumers, businesses, charities, and teachers. Also includes news, legislation, forms, and publications. - http://www.fairtrading.qld.gov.au
Department of Employment and Training - Provides services in employment, training, technical and further education and youth affairs. - http://www.det.qld.gov.au/
Queensland Government Executive Directory - Guide to the Queensland Government at an executive or management level and contains contact details for key government personnel. - http://www.qgd.qld.gov.au/
Queensland Department of Environment - Information includes agency responsibilities, policies, directions and activities, and those of related authorities. - http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/
CITEC - Information and Communications Technology (ICT) service provider delivering integrated solutions to business and government. News and events, service details and register of suppliers. - http://www.citec.qld.gov.au
Queensland Department of Transport - Our products are delivered through an extensive statewide service delivery network including Customer Service Centres, Queensland Government Agencies, Marine Operation bases and regional and divisional offices. - http://www.transport.qld.gov.au/
Queensland Government Marketplace - Provides a place for suppliers and buyers for government officials with detailed information. - http://www.qgm.qld.gov.au/
Crime and Misconduct Commission - The CMC oversees government agencies, the police service and corrections facilities as well as fighting organised crime and paedophilia in the State. News, annual reports, and links to the related legislation. - http://www.cmc.qld.gov.au
Queensland Department of State Development - Central government department providing services to business who are investing, expanding, starting, exporting from or trading with Queensland. - http://www.sd.qld.gov.au
Department of Main Roads - As owner and manager of the State's road network, Main Roads strategically plans and develops road infrastructure across the state. - http://www.mainroads.qld.gov.au/
Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation - Publications, information, application forms, gaming statistics and company profiles available on this government site. - http://www.qogr.qld.gov.au/
Queensland Treasury - Includes links to statistics, economic and employment information for Queensland. - http://www.treasury.qld.gov.au
Education Queensland - Provides educational services in more than 1800 state primary, secondary, special schools and preschools. - http://education.qld.gov.au/
Department of Primary Industries - Involved in research, extension, marketing, regulatory and regional development activities that span all areas of agriculture, horticulture, fishing, aquaculture, fibre production, forestry and animal industries. - http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/
The Queensland Cabinet - Information and links that include Ministerial Media Statements, the Ministerial Directory and the Queensland Premier. - http://www.cabinet.qld.gov.au
Peter Beattie: Premier of Queensland - Official government site includes information on the Premier, including the latest news and e-mail address. - http://www.thepremier.qld.gov.au
Anti-Discrimination Commission Queensland - Aims to promote equality for everyone by protecting them from unfair discrimination and sexual harrassment. Includes information, publications and contact details. - http://www.adcq.qld.gov.au/
Queensland Community Infonet - Official site for the Department of Families, Youth and Community Care. - http://www.families.qld.gov.au/
Parliament of Queensland - Contains information about the history, functions, and daily operations of the Legislative Assembly, it committees and members. - http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/