Why Aren't They at School? - Addresses the issue of secondary students' attendance at Yirrkala Community Education Centre. By Rosemary Gillespie, University of Sydney [2000]. - http://alex.edfac.usyd.edu.au/archived%20conferences/conference2000/gillespie.html
Border-Crossing: Cultural Hybridity and the Rural and Small Schools Practicum - A paper prepared by Mike Grenfell for the AARE Annual Conference in Adelaide [1998]. Discusses yolngu education, the Ganma project, the Homeland movement and the process of hybridization. - http://www.aare.edu.au/98pap/gre98157.htm
Education in the Yirrkala Area - Nambara Schools Council submission to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Rural and Remote Education Inquiry, 1999. Provides detailed information, including an affirmation of the rights of indigenous children to education in their own language, and the - http://www.hreoc.gov.au/pdf/human_rights/rural_remote/ntsub2.pdf