Bromeliad Society of New South Wales - Dedicated to the study and cultivation of bromeliads. Information about membership, meetings, events, photos and bromeliad FAQs. -
Netwaste - A collaborative waste management project originally sponsored by the Central West and Orana Regional Organisation of Councils, located in the central and western region of New South Wales. -
NSW Natural Resource Atlas - An interactive map that allows users to zoom in to any part of NSW, then click on a feature to learn more. Useful for exploring salinity, water, catchments, bushland, geology, pollution and similar topics. -
Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority - Describes the management of natural resources on a catchment basis, and outlines some of the current natural resource management activities in the Murrumbidgee Catchment. -
Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority - Information on managing the environment including salinity, soil, water quality, vegetation in the area from Port Hacking in the North to the Victorian border. -
Atlas of NSW Wildlife - Searchable database of plant and animal species compiled by the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. -
Recycled Organics Unit - The centre for organic resource management is a partnership between the NSW Waste Boards and the University of New South Wales. In addition to providing information about recycling organic waste, the group also conducts research and development, demonstra -
Australian Institute of Physics, NSW Branch - Aims to promote all aspects of physics to the wider community while also providing support to physicists. The site has links to information about events, conferences and other physics associations. -
National Parks Association of NSW - NPA is a on-government community group dedicated to preserving natural heritage. -
Astronomical Society of New South Wales - Australia's most active amateur astronomical society, providing members with a wide range of facilities, including two major observing sites, and two meetings per month. -