Dr David Steen - Specialising in tooth whitening, pain free dentistry, dental restorations, dental implants, porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns, tooth coloured fillings and other forms of cosmetic dentistry. - http://www.sydneycosmeticdentist.net
Mandala Healing Garden - Sala Sowada offers reiki courses, healing sessions with reiki, kinesiology, Australian bush flower remedies, and body maintenance system. - http://www.mandalapower.com/
Sydney Laser Vision Centre - Offers LASIK and PRK eye surgery to correct shortsightedness (myopia), longsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. - http://www.sydneyvision.com.au/
Dr. Morris Rapaport - Orthodontic practice for adults and children specialising in braces and removable appliances. - http://www-personal.usyd.edu.au/~mrapapor/
Centre for Snoring and Sleep Disorders - An information source for doctors and patients concerned with snoring and snoring related conditions. - http://www.snoring.com.au