Webfind Business Search Directory - Online Australian search directory where businesses can manage their own content. - http://www.webfind.com.au
Thai community and directory in Australia - An online Thai community in Australia, providing a directory for Thai restaurants and businesses. - http://www.thai-in-aus.com
Directory Australia - A business directory for Australian based businesses, with free listing and access. - http://www.directoryaustralia.com
Companydirectory.com.au - Highly categorised directory of Australian businesses. Terms of use and listing pricing provided. - http://www.companydirectory.com.au
Local Business Guide - Australian business listings. - http://www.localbusinessguide.com.au
UGLii Find - An online business directory with a mapping-based search and keyword search functionality. - http://www.ugliifind.com.au/
The LAD - A local area business directory of Australian websites. - http://www.thelad.net.au
New Enterprise Incentive Scheme Directory - Provides information on the Commonwealth Government's New Enterprise Incentive Scheme, eligibility criteria, information session details and lists incubated businesses. - http://www.easternsuburbsbec.com.au/esbec/NEIS/
TrueLocal - An online directory of local Australian businesses. - http://www.truelocal.com.au
dLook - Australian online business directory which offers discount coupons and online quoting. - http://www.dlook.com.au
Hot Frog - An online directory listing Australian businesses. - http://www.hotfrog.com.au
Iti.com.au - Human-edited web directory of local Australian businesses sorted by state and business names. Free and paid submissions provided. - http://www.iti.com.au
Come On Aussie - Directory of Australian Web sites. - http://www.comeonaussie.com
Baby Universe - Directory listing baby related sites. - http://www.babyuniverse.com.au
On-Shopping - Lists Australian goods and services sites. Also features a personal shopping guide. - http://www.on-shopping.com.au/
Zoos Australia - Directory of Australian Zoos. - http://www.zoosaustralia.com/
Business Search Australia - Online searchable directory of Australian businesses and business services. - http://www.businesssearch.com.au/
Fabric Supplier Directory - Directory of Australian fabric and textile suppliers and manufacturers. Search by retail, wholesale, postcode and speciality. - http://www.all-about-fabrics.com/
Commerce and Trade - Trade index of Australian companies. - http://www.cti.net.au
HitCity Pages - Searchable business directory with free listings - http://www.hitcity.com.au/
Liquorlink Australia - Links to stores primarily in Victoria and New South Wales, some of which offer online shopping for wine, beer, and spirits. - http://www.liquorlink.com.au/
Philippines.com.au - Philippine-Australian online trading guide and business information for Filipino community - http://www.philippines.com.au/
Possum Pages - Large index of reviewed online businesses and communities - http://www.possumpages.com.au/
ozstore.com.au - Australian business directory. - http://www.ozstore.com.au/
CitySearch.com.au - Search or browse local entertainment, business, event and venue reviews, spanning 14 cities and regions across Australia. - http://www.citysearch.com.au/
The List Bank - Details of a range of lists for sale on CD containing the name and contact numbers of businesses, government, schools and selected industries. - http://www.listbank.com.au
Ozebiz - Promoting Australian business on-line. - http://www.ozebiz.com.au/
BizDirect - Comprehensive listing of Australian businesses. Find or list a business for free. - http://www.bizdirect.com.au/
Ausitrade - Direct link to many of the major Australian companies doing business with the World. - http://www.ausitrade.com/