Ricegrowers Association of Australia - All about the Association, including news, rice growing information, organization, and research objectives. Site includes links to other Australian sites and some other rice sites. - http://www.rga.org.au/
Australian Coffee and Tea Association - Non profit organisation for the Coffee and Tea Industry. News, member login, coffee information and contact information. - http://www.acta.org.au/
Organic Growers of Australia - National organic body providing certification for farmers and processors. Find profile, standards, membership information, produce database, news, forum, classified and contact details. - http://www.organicgrowers.org.au/
Kondinin Group - A not-for-profit farmer owned and directed organisation that uses a network of farmers, agribusiness, consultants, and researchers to ensure members have the best information available. - http://www.kondinin.com.au/
Biological Farmers of Australia - A organisation actively working to influence development, government, and growth of the organic market. - http://www.bfa.com.au/
Australian Vegetable and Potato Growers Federation - AUSVEG represent the interests of growers to government and assist growers with research and development that meets the needs of the vegetable industry. - http://www.ausveg.com.au
Melons Australia - Supports the melon agribusiness in Australia. Includes crop data, marketing strategy, and working divisions. - http://www.melonsaustralia.org.au/
Agsafe - An independent subsidiary of the Avcare association that operates an accreditation program for the safe storage, handling, transport and sale of agricultural and veterinary chemicals. - http://www.agsafe.com.au/
Institute of Foresters of Australia - A professional body that advocates best forest management and standards. - http://www.forestry.org.au/
Fertilizer Industry Federation of Australia - An association representing manufacturers, importers and distributors of fertilizer and associated service industries. Includes industry news, publications and media releases. - http://www.fifa.asn.au/
Irrigation Association of Australia Ltd - An organisation representing the Australian irrigation industry. Includes sections for water users, consultants, designers and installers, education institutions, government, manufacturers and retailers. - http://www.irrigation.org.au/
Australian Women in Agriculture - A dedicated and committed organisation of women involved in the development of Australian primary production, rural industries and communities. - http://www.awia.org.au/
Australian Olive Association - Promotes the sustained development of a national olive industry. Includes sections on how to grow, where to buy, events, supplies and membership. - http://www.australianolives.com.au/
Australian Banana Growers' Council - The ABGC represents the interests of over 2000 banana growers nationally. Includes media releases, research, recipes, and general information. - http://www.abgc.org.au/
Australian Fodder Industry Association - Issues include the testing, marketing, argonomy, processing, transport, export of hay and silage. - http://www.afia.org.au/
Pulse Australia - A coordinating body for all sectors of the pulse industry. Products include chickpeas, faba beans, field peas, lentils and lupins. - http://www.pulseaus.com.au/
Australian Grain Harvesters Association - Designed to maintain and promote the image, welfare and general interest of association members. - http://www.agha.org.au/
Grain Growers Association - A professional industry partner for South East Australian grain producers. - http://www.graingrowers.com.au/
Australian Oilseeds Federation - An industry association providing information on oilseed products and markets. - http://www.australianoilseeds.com/
Australian Forest Growers - AFG is the national association representing private forestry and commercial treegrowing interests in Australia. - http://www.afg.asn.au/
Organics for Rural Australia - Organisation encouraging sustainable agricultural practices through certified organic produce. - http://www.ruralorg.com.au
Rural Marketing Agents Ltd - A network of locally owned, independent livestock and property agents in eastern Australia. - http://www.ruralmarketing.com.au/
National Farmers Federation - Information about the federation and services offered, including press releases, speeches, publications and links. - http://www.nff.org.au/
Stock and Station Agents Association - Information about an association established in 1910 to serve the interests of members. Includes sections on properties and livestock for sale, agency news and events. - http://www.ssaaonline.com/
Aerial Agricultural Association of Australia Limited - Features articles on safety, history, communications, methods, training and news related to the use of aircraft in agriculture. - http://www.aerialag.com.au/