Central Wyoming Council - Offers information on training, events, districts, camping, calendars and contact information. - http://www.wyoscouts.org/
Wyoming Children’s Action Alliance - A non-profit organization supporting professional development, data and statistics, and advocacy efforts to improve outcomes for children and families in Wyoming. - http://www.wykids.com/
Prevent Child Abuse Wyoming - A volunteer organization of concerned citizens working with community, state and national groups to expand and share knowledge about child abuse prevention. Resources for reporting abuse, programs, news and events. - http://www.pcawyoming.org/
The Wyoming Dinosaur Center - Tour museum with mounted dinosaur skeletons - watch technicians preparing bones in the preparation laboratory - tour the active dig sites where scientists are unearthing dinosaur bones and feeding sites - come dig with professionals at special summer kids - http://www.wyodino.org
State of Wyoming - Kid's Page - The state of Wyoming's web page made especially for kids. Includes links to other websites about the state, dinosaurs, the Wyoming Starbase Academy and schools in Wyoming. - http://wyoming.gov/kids.asp