Royal Family Kid's Camp - A one week summer camp for abused, neglected and abandoned children in the foster care system. -
The Racine Amateur Television Society - A group of amateur radio operators promoting the use of Slow Scan Television Fast Scan Television and other digital television modes. -
The Lakeshore Repeater Association, KR9RK - Operates amateur radio repeaters that help local hams provide support to many local community services. -
The Racine Megacycle Club, W9UDU - The Megacycle Club is an organization of Radio Amateurs in South-Eastern Wisconsin. -
AAUW Racine, WI - The American Association of University Women promotes equity for all women and girls, lifelong education and positive societal change. -
Racine Fire Bells - Provides emergency support and rehabilitation services for displaced victims of fire, fire fighters, law enforcement, and EMS personnel. -
Racine Community Foundation - Administers the charitable interests of donors and acts as a resource for philanthropists and community organizations. -
The J.I.Case Heritage Foundation - Features photos and show dates of steam traction engines, threshers and early gas tractors. -
Tech Corps Wisconsin, Inc. - A South East Wisconsin based non-profit organization that refurbishes donated computers for local schools. -