Hooverson Heights Primary School - Serves students in grades K-4. Includes staff directory, photos, partners in education and links. - http://boe.broo.k12.wv.us/HomePage/Index.html?School=HHPS
Follansbee Local News: Topix - Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web. - http://www.topix.com/city/follansbee-wv
St. Anthony Parish - Catholic church. Liturgical schedule, staff directory, list of organizations. - http://www.st-anthonyfwv.org/
Follansbee WV - News, events and contact information for city government, police department, fire department and utilities. - http://www.follansbeewv.com/
Boux Construction Co. - Builds custom homes and provides remodeling services in the northern West Virginia tri-state area. Includes image galleries and financing resource information - http://biouxconstruction.com/