West Virginia Asthma Education and Prevention Program - Works to develop, implement and evaluate a statewide strategic asthma plan to reduce the health and economic consequences attributed to asthma. Includes statistics, publications and news. - http://www.wvasthma.org/
Brain Injury Association of West Virginia - Provides support, advocacy, education and training on behalf of survivors of brain injuries, their families and those who provide services or care for them. Includes calendar, news, membership information and library. - http://www.biausa.org/WVirginia/
Coronary Artery Risk Detection In Appalachian Communities (CARDIAC) WV Project - Chronic disease risk surveillance and intervention initiative designed to combat the unacceptably high prevalence of heart disease and diabetes in the state. Includes methods, procedures, research and partnerships. - http://www.cardiacwv.org/
West Virginia Council on Problem Gambling - Works to increase public awareness of problem gambling, to ensure the widespread availability of treatment for problem gamblers and their families, and to encourage research and programs for prevention and education. Includes meetings, events and resource - http://www.wvcpg.org/
National Kidney Foundation of the Virginias - Works to prevent kidney and urinary tract diseases, improve the health and well-being of individuals and families affected by these diseases, and increase the availability of all organs for transplantation. Includes services and events. - http://www.kidneyva.org/
American Lung Association of WV - Includes news and information on association events, programs, and volunteering. - http://www.alawv.org/