Port Angeles High School - School overview, calendars, news, photo gallery, departments, guidance, clubs, and alumni information. - http://www.pasd.wednet.edu/school/hs/
Port Angeles High School Class of 1983 - Pictures, reunion info, profiles, registration, message board, and chat room. Login required. - http://www.pahs83.com
Peninsula College - Offers AA, AS, AAS, and certificate programs, with extension campuses in Port Townsend and Forks. Programs, academic calendar, and course schedules. - http://www.pc.ctc.edu/
Dry Creek Elementary School - Student art projects, WASL information, string program, and 5th grade home page. - http://www.pasd.wednet.edu/school/dc/
Stevens Middle School - News by grade level, calendar, school tour, library, handbook, administration and staff, and clubs. - http://www.pasd.wednet.edu/school/sms/
Olympic Christian School - Private school for preschool through 12th grade. Website lists staff, programs and calendar. - http://www.indbible.org/ocs
Port Angeles Washington Schools - School District Number 121. Elementary, Middle, and High Schools. - http://www.pasd.wednet.edu/