Lower Columbia Community Action Council - A non-profit organization that advocates for social and economic change and provides effective quality services which assist persons in need to live in dignity and self-sufficiency. - http://www.lccac.org/
H@ppy's Corner - Personal web page. - http://home.comcast.net/~mrs.carol/
Longview Pioneer Lions - A service club whose members are dedicated to giving back to the community. - http://www.pioneerlions.org/
The Barella Family - Includes photos and information about the Barella family. - http://www.barella.net/
Scott Dennis - Personal web page. - http://www.scattercreek.com/~sdennis/
Community House On Broadway - A homeless shelter. Offers its history, statistics, list of services, volunteer opportunities, newsletter, and links. - http://www.community-house.org/