Whitman County Growers - A farmer-owned grain cooperative formed through a merger of the Pullman and Colfax Grain Growers. - http://users.colfax.com/wcg/
Cottage Gate Floral - They offer flowers and other gifts. - http://www.cottagegatefloral.com/
Jones Truck & Implement - JTII is a tractors and combines dealer for Case International, New Holland, Navistar, and Carquest. - http://www.jtii.com/
Diamond Distributing - They offer Bradford truck beds, Bradford hoppers and boxes, Landini Vision tractors, the Da Ros rake, and other equipment. - http://www.diamondequipmentdist.com/
Bank of Whitman - Offering personal and business services. - http://www.bankofwhitman.com/
Kincaid Real Estate - They handle residential home sales, specializing in residential acreage and large farms. - http://www.kincaidrealestate.com/
Becky's Fabrics and Bernina - Catalog with images of fabric, newsletter, online ordering, books, patterns, and kits, coupons, and the blocks of the month. - http://www.beckysfabrics.com/
The Growers' Guide - Source for agricultural, news, links, classifieds, deadlines, and market watch. - http://www.growersguide.com/
Angelic Creations - Typset and design of business cards, letterhead, brochures, books, and patterns. - http://users.colfax.com/dandtdra/
Almota Elevator - Buys of soft white wheat in the Palouse farming area. - http://users.colfax.com/almota/