Polaris Project - Offers help to victims of human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Overview of programs for victims, and details on how the public can participate. - http://www.polarisproject.org
Singles on the Go: DC Singles - Resource guide for local singles dating and events. - http://www.singlesonthego.com/dc/
Cantab DC - Talks and social events for graduates of the University of Cambridge who are located in or near Washington DC. - http://www.cantabdc.org/
Georgetown Ministry Center - Offers emergency services for homeless men and women. Includes programs, staff profiles, resources for the homeless, volunteer opportunities and a newsletter. - http://www.georgetownministrycenter.org
Thomas Circle Singers - Community-minded chorus that donates ticket proceeds to non-profit organizations serving Washington residents in need. - http://www.thomascirclesingers.org/
World Affairs Council - A nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)3 affiliate of the Foreign Policy Association offering members and guests monthly programs featuring prominent speakers from both the U.S. and abroad. - http://www.worldaffairsdc.org/
Community Family Life Services - Inclusive faith-based organization helps the low-income and homeless, providing assistance with food, housing, employment and youth development. Includes information on services, volunteer opportunities, and how to donate. - http://www.cflsdc.org/
Greater Washington Aquatic Plant Association - A place for those interested in aquatic plants to gather together to exchange information, plants, and to socialize. Find events, a discussion forum, and membership information. - http://www.gwapa.org/
Brief Encounters USA - Provides multiple one-on-one mini-dates with professional singles of the opposite sex in one evening. Find out how it works, scheduled events and dating advice. - http://www.briefencountersusa.com/
United Black Community - UBC is a coalition of Pan-African organizations that sponsors community wide events. - http://www.unitedblackcommunity.com/
International Club of DC - Organization for internationally-minded professionals who enjoy international cultural experiences as well as social, educational, and outdoor events while helping the community. - http://www.icdc.info/
Northwest Settlement House - Serves the Shaw community from infancy to senior citizenship, helping to provide healthy alternatives to strengthen the community by providing educational opportunities. - http://www.nwsh.org/
Mi Casa - A non-profit committed to providing home ownership opportunities in the District's inner-city; particularly single homes for large families of low or moderate income. [English/Spanish] - http://www.micasa-inc.org/
ServiceCorps - Works to provide volunteers with a volunteer opportunity specifically suited to that individual's interests and talents. - http://www.servicecorpsonline.org/
KidSafe - Building the capacity of families to provide safe, supportive and economically stable environments. Program information, kids art and photographs. - http://www.kidsafedc.org/
Emergence Community Arts Collective - A non-profit organization whose mission is to foster a spirit of community in the Pleasant Plains neighborhood through social activities, traditional arts classes, support groups and educational seminars. - http://www.ecacollective.org/
Time Dollar Institute - Seeks to build local economies and communities by developing, testing, and assisting experiments with a new medium of exchange. Information about the concept and implementation models. - http://www.timedollar.org/
Center for Nonprofit Advancement - Formerly the Washington Council of Agencies by providing education and training, networking, advocacy and buying opportunities for nonprofits in the Washington region. Programs, services and news. - http://www.nonprofitadvancement.org/
Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. - Advocates for transparent, fair and generous immigration policies. Programs, news and volunteering. - http://www.cliniclegal.org/
National Community Reinvestment Coalition - Acts as the collective voice for its member organizations to Congress, Bank Regulatory Agencies, the Executive branches of the federal government and the national press. Publications and membership information. - http://www.ncrc.org/
Our Place, DC - Supporting women who are or have been in the criminal justice system by helping maintain connections with the community, resettle and reconcile with their families. Programs and stories. - http://www.ourplacedc.org/
Housing Counseling Services - A non-profit community-based organization providing counseling, training and client advocacy services to low- and moderate-income renters, homebuyers and tenants secure and maintain safe and affordable housing. - http://www.housingetc.org/
Kiwanis Club of Washington, D.C. - Serves the metropolitan area. Features programs, activities, events and meeting information. - http://www.kiwanisdc.org/
American Farmland Trust - Working to stop the loss of productive farmland and promote healthier farming practices in the U.S. - http://www.farmland.org/
Professionals in the City - A networking and social group that offers hundreds of local events a year. Includes event calendar and online ticket purchase. - http://prosinthecity.com/
ARCH - Non-profit job training and housing development organization serving the Anacostia community. - http://www.archdc.org/
East Capitol Center for Change - Assists youth, adults, and families in Wards 7 and 8 in developing productive, happy, and spiritually centered lives. - http://www.ecccinc.org
Beacon House - Supports at-risk youth and families in Edgewood Terrace through educational, cultural, and recreational programs. - http://www.beaconhousedc.org
Things To Do DC - Sponsors social and cultural events where young professionals can socialize and network. Includes free membership application, calendar of events and online booking. - http://www.thingstododc.com/
International Committee for Information Technology Standards - The primary U.S. focus of standardization in the field of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), encompassing storage, processing, transfer, display, management, organization, and retrieval of information. - http://www.incits.org/
Veg-DC - Mailing list for vegetarians and potential vegetarians in the local area. Has message archive. - http://www.waste.org/mail/?list=veg-dc
United Planning Organization - The designated community action agency for Washington, DC. It operates a wide variety of human service programs for youths, seniors, low-income residents and others. Site covers the organization, its programs and history. - http://www.upo.org/
Suited for Change - Provides professional clothing and ongoing career education to low-income women to increase their employment and job retention potential and to contribute to their economic independence. - http://www.suitedforchange.org/
Meridian International Center - Non-profit organization promotes international understanding through professional exchange, educational and arts programs. Calendar of events, newsletters, program descriptions and information on its historic headquarters houses, Meridian House and the Wh - http://www.meridian.org/
Manna - Non-profit organization promotes home ownership by renovating or building affordable homes and by training first-time homebuyers. Includes history, list of past and current projects, properties currently available and description of programs. - http://www.mannadc.org/
Washington Regional Alcohol Program - WRAP - Fights drunk and drugged driving and underage drinking through campaigns and programs designed to raise awareness of the dangers surrounding the issues. Includes events, programs, activities, newsletters and annual reports. - http://www.wrap.org/
Men Can Stop Rape - Empowers male youth and the institutions that serve them to work as allies with women in preventing rape and other forms of men's violence. Includes programs, workshops and events. - http://www.mencanstoprape.org/
U.S. Copts Association - Educational resources on matters of democracy, religious freedom and human rights in the Middle East, specifically focusing on Egypt and the treatment of the Coptic minority. - http://www.copts.net/
Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless - Offers legal assistance for and advocacy on behalf of people who are homeless or about to become homeless. Includes volunteer opportunities, information for clients and advocacy activities. - http://www.legalclinic.org
Community Preservation and Development Corporation - Works to create and preserve financially sound, socially responsible affordable housing for low and moderate income individuals and families and to develop community service programs that strengthen communities. Includes program overviews. - http://www.cpdc.org/
MIT Club of Washington DC - Serves MIT alumni and alumnae residing in suburban Maryland, Northern Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Includes events, seminars, and club information. - http://alumweb.mit.edu/clubs/washingtondc/index.shtml
Perry School Community Services Center - Provides social services, economic empowerment and youth development in an effort to end poverty, its causes and consequences in the North Capitol Street area. Includes services. - http://perryschool.org/
So Others Might Eat - Works to meet the needs of the poor and homeless through immediate services such as food, clothing, and medical care, and to empower clients through substance-abuse rehabilitation, job training and housing programs. Includes news, events and volunteer opp - http://www.some.org/
Samaritan Ministry of Greater Washington - Dedicated to helping people who are homeless or in need. Includes resources, volunteer opportunities and newsletters. - http://www.samaritanministry.com/
Samaritan Inns - Provides homeless and addicted men and women with tangible opportunities for hope and healing through intensive recovery, transitional living and affordable housing programs. Includes volunteer opportunities. - http://www.samaritaninns.org/
Rachael's Women's Center - Provides homeless and formerly homeless women opportunities to develop independence, sense of self and hope by providing shelter, food, showers and laundry facilities as well as intensive case management and programs. Includes history, news, events, a wis - http://www.rachaels.org/
N Street Village - Provides services for homeless women including a day center, night shelter, wellness center, addiction recovery programs and community living for those with mental illness, as well as affordable rental housing and child care for families. Features volunte - http://www.nstreetvillage.org/
My Sister's Place - Provides confidential shelter, programs, education and advocacy for battered women and their children. Includes volunteer opportunities, projects and resources. - http://www.mysistersplacedc.org/
Miriam's Kitchen - Serves the homeless via a breakfast program, case management, transitional housing and after-breakfast programs. Includes news and volunteer opportunities. - http://www.miriamskitchen.org/
Mary House - Provides transitional housing services, shelter and support programs to homeless and struggling families. Includes news, articles, awards and funding information. - http://www.maryhouse.org/
Jubilee Jobs - Provides skilled job preparation and placement services to the unemployed. Includes employers, events and annual report. - http://www.jubileejobs.org/
JHP,Inc. - Employment and training nonprofit helps homeless men and women obtain meaningful employment, permanent housing and break the cycle of welfare. Includes history, services and locations. - http://www.jobshavepriority.org/
Martha's Table - Dedicated to fulfilling the needs of low-income and homeless children, families and individuals. Includes programs, volunteer opportunities, wish lists, newsletters and photographs. - http://marthastable.org/
DC Geeks - Message board for area geeks to connect, chat and discuss technical issues. - http://www.dc-geeks.org
Hannah House - Transitional living facility for homeless women and their children. Includes program descriptions, staff list, events, and how to contribute. - http://www.hannahhouse.org/
Friendship House - Founded in 1904 as a settlement house in the Capitol Hill neighborhood, today it provides a variety of social services for children, youth, adults and seniors. Includes program information and history. - http://www.friendshiphouse.net/
Federation of Citizens Associations of the District of Columbia - A federation of neighborhood and city-wide civic organizations in DC. Newsletter archive features news on city governance, local issues, and civic organization activities. - http://www.dcwatch.com/federcit/
Building Futures - Dedicated to providing affordable housing for families, children, and individuals living with HIV/AIDS. Includes description of programs, frequently asked questions, staff profiles, online donation form and newsletter [PDF]. - http://www.buildingfutures.org/
Greater Washington Urban League - Works to increase the economic and political empowerment of African Americans and other minorities and to help all Americans share equally in the responsibilities and rewards of full citizenship. Features programs, community outreach projects, events and - http://www.gwul.org/
Vegetarian Society of the District of Columbia - Seeks to promote the benefits of a vegetarian diet and to unite vegetarians in the metropolitan area. Features events, membership information and volunteer opportunities. - http://www.vsdc.org/
Federal City Council - Works to improve the city by focusing the creative and administrative talents of its members on major problems and opportunities. Features projects, news and members. - http://www.federalcitycouncil.org/
The Family Place - A community drop-in center providing resources and support to expectant parents and families with young children. Features programs, services, events and volunteer opportunities. - http://www.thefamilyplacedc.org/
Coalition for the Homeless - Works to help transition homeless and at-risk individuals and families to self-sufficiency through housing programs and supportive services. Features programs, employment opportunities, news and events. - http://www.dccfh.org/
Neighbors Consejo - Serving the Latino community of Mount Pleasant, Columbia Heights and Adams Morgan by providing social services and crisis support to low-income and homeless men, women and families. Features community action and news. - http://www.neighborsconsejo.org/
Charlie's Place - This outreach ministry at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church operates a breakfast program and works to assist and empower homeless individuals in the areas of physical and mental health, nutrition, employment, housing, education and other needs. - http://www.charliesplacedc.org/
Food and Friends - Provides meals, groceries and nutrition counseling to people living with life-challenging illnesses such as AIDS and cancer. Features FAQ, news, volunteer opportunities and events. - http://www.foodandfriends.org
Amigos de las Americas Washington, D.C. Chapter - Recruits high school students from the metropolitan area to participate in four to eight-week community health projects in Latin America. Features volunteer opportunities, calendar, photo galleries, events and projects. - http://www.amigosdc.org/
Capitol Hill Computer Corner - Nonprofit organization provides technology programs and curricula to enhance the learning opportunities of the students and residents of Southeast Capitol Hill. Features programs, community partners, membership information and directions. - http://www.computercorner-dc.org/
YWCA - National Capital Area - Creates opportunities to educate, motivate, and support women, children, and their families to achieve their fullest potential and promotes racial justice and gender equity. Features membership information, training, events, fitness center information and - http://www.ywcanca.org/
The Washington Center - Independent nonprofit organization provides internship programs, academic seminars internships placements in major professional fields in the private, public and nonprofit sector. Features housing and student services, applications, financial assistance i - http://www.twc.edu/
Turning the Page - Links public schools, families and the community to ensure students receive valuable educational resources and a high quality public education. Features partner schools and volunteer opportunities. - http://www.turningthepage.org/
GreenHome - Dedicated to demonstrating and promoting affordable, sustainable design, construction, and landscape practices for homes and communities. Features programs, volunteer opportunities and events. - http://greenhome.org/
Washington Literacy Council - Provides free tutoring for adults who are illiterate or low-literate and teaches them to read. Features schedule of training sessions, volunteer opportunities, news, events and projects. - http://www.washingtonliteracycouncil.org/
DC Habitat for Humanity - Works to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness by building affordable, energy efficient homes. Features volunteer opportunities, news, homeowner criteria and employment opportunities. - http://www.dchabitat.org/
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the National Capital Area - Works to build mentoring relationships which unite children from single-parent families with adult volunteers. Features services, volunteer and enrollment information and events. - http://www.bbbsnca.org/
Summer Time and Reading Together - START, Inc. - Designs 10-week summer reading programs and helps neighborhoods establish book clubs for children ages 5 - 14. Features history, volunteer opportunities, newsletter and FAQ. - http://www.startdc.org/