U Street: The Corridor Is Cool Again - Article on the resurgence of nightlife in the historic center of black culture in Washington. From the New York Times. - http://travel2.nytimes.com/2006/04/14/travel/escapes/14washi.html?pagewanted=print
Caroline Street NW - History of the street, which runs between 15th Street and 16th Street, one block south of U Street. Photos and maps. - http://www.gamber.net/caroline/
Cardozo-Shaw Neighborhood Association - Has issues of the association's newsletter from March 1998 to December 2000. The boundaries of CSNA in Northwest D.C. are 15th Street on the west, 9th Street on the east, S Street on the south and Florida Avenue on the north. - http://www.dcwatch.com/cardozo/
Shaw, Washington, D.C. - Encyclopedia article from Wikipedia. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaw%2C_Washington%2C_D.C.
Shaw Neighborhood - Calendar, business directory, census data, and programs. - http://www.shawdc.com/
Shaw EcoVillage - Programs teach youth how to take action on urban environmental and sustainability issues in the neighborhood. - http://www.shawecovillage.com
Duke Ellington's Washington: Virtual Tour of Shaw - Directory of local schools, theaters, and other local landmarks in the Shaw and U Street sections of Washington, from PBS. - http://www.pbs.org/ellingtonsdc/virtualTour.htm