Florence Bowser Elementary - Includes class supply lists, registration information, and directions to the school. - http://www.sps.k12.va.us/schools/schools_fbes.htm
Elephant's Fork Elementary School - Includes principal's page, student handbook, and calendar of events. - http://www.sps.k12.va.us/schools/efes/
Kilby Shores Elementary School - Includes outreach efforts, mission statement, and students' pages. - http://www.sps.k12.va.us/schools/kses/
Mount Zion Elementary - Includes art page, school calendar, and student activity pages. - http://www.sps.k12.va.us/schools/mzes/home.htm
Nansemond Parkway Elementary School - Includes accelerated reader list, business partners, and school supply list. - http://www.sps.k12.va.us/schools/npes/
Northern Shores Elementary School - Includes PTA, teacher, and mission statement pages. - http://www.sps.k12.va.us/schools/nses/home.htm
Oakland Elementary School - Includes accelerated reader list, school calendar, and grade level events. - http://www.sps.k12.va.us/schools/oes/
Robertson Elementary School - Includes pages for students, faculty, and staff. - http://www.sps.k12.va.us/schools/res/
Southwestern Elementary School - Includes school snapshot, student awards, and principal's welcome. - http://www.sps.k12.va.us/schools/swes/
Turlington Woods School - Alternative school. Includes admission criteria, principal's welcome, and homework hotline. - http://www.sps.k12.va.us/schools/tws/