Hanover Academy School - View school calendar, activities, and contact information. - http://www.hanoveracademy.org/
Elmont Elementary School - School history, awards, and news. Information about the administration, staff, media center, Parent-Teacher Association, special services, gifted and talented education, and student council association. - http://hcps2.hanover.k12.va.us/ees/
Patrick Henry High School - Information about the PTSA, school calendar, staff, academic departments, student resources, and student activities. - http://hcps2.hanover.k12.va.us/phhs/default.htm
Liberty Middle School - Information about the administration, guidance program, media center, athletic programs, staff, clubs, special services, and gifted education. - http://hcps2.hanover.k12.va.us/lms/Libhome.htm
Henry Clay Elementary School - School news and calendar. Information about administration, clinic, guidance, media center, staff, special services, and the Parent-Teacher Association. - http://hcps2.hanover.k12.va.us/hces/